To access the the SSL VPN for your organization you will need to install Sophos Connect.
First you need to download Sophos Connect. To do this you need to connect to your organizations User Portal.
This is accomplished with any web browser and you will connect to https://ipaddress or https://name_of_firewall.
You will see a screen similar to the following:
Login with your normal organization username and password.
Once you are logged in you will see a screen similar to the following.
Now download the software by selecting one of the links in the "Sophos Connect Client" section of this screen. You want to select the link that corresponds with the system you are installing this software on.
Once this software is installed you will need to download one of the configurations from the VPN configuration section of this page.
Finally you will need to run Sophos Connect on the system you installed this on and import the VPN configuration you downloaded.
Connecting to the VPN
Once you have completed the above steps connecting to the VPN is as simple as starting Sophos Connect and selecting the connection you just imported and select Connect.
Once you are done using the VPN select Disconnect.
Where To Get Help
If you are having issues using this application or setting up your VPN connection please contact our support at
Your email will open a ticket and a technician will contact you. Please include your phone number so the technician can contact you directly.